Tuesday, October 9, 2012

one month down

one month down

the starter wouldn't turn over.
was it the battery or the engine?
what was this to cost? we're a vehicle,
is what i'm trying to say, thinking
unmechanically. we're on fumes riding.

it's all in the reach,
isn't it. why isn't it
the moment? i woke up
pathetic, had dreams of the beach
i was not at.
didn't need coffee when
you didn't need coffee. shrunk.
i stretched up and kept
stretching. what is
monogamy? why are my hands
bitten, nails shaking? the dog

ran away four times. you were angry
to die in the fire, in your dream. we sat
right here on the porch, drinking water
dressed in yerba mate. where is this
or that? you ask. i stop asking

where are we? i wonder if
you're: always doing, i'm: always thinking.
it's against this socialized nature,
to stop. Cleaning. Mending. Gardening. Nurturing.
but Breathing clears the static,
to Sit, to Cry.

we kissed goodbye twenty minutes
ago, less love, more
duty.  i have no bearings, nothing smooth
and oiled, no front brakes.
i could go on preparing
my cage. really, the cage

was just a joke, a giant trash score,
a concept for a photo shoot. yet someone
pointed to my extra bones & feathered
heart, she pointed at her, at you,
the sky. she said fly, and i realize
i've forgotten.


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