Friday, April 27, 2012

the head/the bed

the head/the bed

with curious mind
from all directions,
run words all over my hair.
fly wet and clean and

come again.
this is a brain i've been tossing
around in, cornfields, staccato breaths,
endless rainfalls.
mine. this is sweat
and sheets, heavy thought.

memory vacuums the back
rooms while choice sweeps
the hallways and here,

my bedroom.

dirty laundry, dog-eared books,
stacks of music, be careful,
proceed. the message was mailed
on water, you've been divined,
invited. here is this hand,
a tall glass, this frame
of work, the set of my next

take it, turn it over, the curtains 
empty and fill.  the stage,
this ample bed. flip
all the pillows.
this chest, this
close glow.  that applause,
that caught-off-guard
laugh, this holy hush.


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