Tuesday, March 13, 2012

i kept noticing your low voice

i kept noticing your low voice

and i didn't even imagine a cocoon
but there it wrapped around
a bench, two bodies, past
my eyelashes, yellow birds darted
with quail but the air was
warm & wet & i had to look away
to listen

all i could think of was cheap
words like sparkles or magic
and did i start moving closer?
my body steps ahead of the rest

then from chest to belly
my heart sunk in a highly specific way i
wanted (incredibly) to run, losing
and faith

i bear
the baggage
of forlorn boundaries how could you
be both/and, not either/or
i'm so humyn i'm so
hidden and disguised
this is too many nerves firing
too distracting too

unable to back away and still
looking sideways it was not
peripheral in my mind it was
the tropical trees but i couldn't
exactly describe them i was
touching everything with

ears and voice and body, floating

i had to close my eyes i had to
enter your story it had a violin
and smells of perfume i kept
noticing your long voice
how it spoke even allegories
in silences and asked questions
like why are you
like me in all my favorite ways?


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