Thursday, March 22, 2012

conqueror mentality

conqueror mentality

first genevieve wrote this::::

the way that you deny something to be true unless you see it yourself. the way that you exploit and excuse in the name of something greater. you make fires. you build and destroy. build and destroy. build and destroy. i am soulfully woefully sad at the way you have treated me. it is a wound to my heart, to my spirit, to my desire for community, and harmony. you have spat upon it sat upon it. you sit atop your throne of make-believe. i have to keep from hating myself for giving you my heart for so many years, for taking you seriously, for believing that you meant even one damn thing you said.  i still don't know what the lesson is in that for me. you play a mean game. you play to win.

which inspired me to write this::::

a body you nor i chose but must
go about our days in
clothed, putting on
tiered attitudes
fumbled excuses

binary is just a code
developed to advance the program
it enhances your screened performances
(the luddite has faded fast)
gotta follow the money
the maker

i'm listening to the tempo and the tone shifting
there are music videos & there are children's stories
conversations about what's real
what's revolution
you're still putting your experience
at center stage, searching
for allies, looking guarded and

what happens

when someone is more
than anatomy, audience, admiring,
more than you have practiced
allowing room, allotting land for

you are territorial

preferential, who assigned you

the stage is huge, you are not
my friend. you and i,
we have brought our
conqueror selves to these plays
of power, these dictionaries
of definitions. i am cataloged
by paper cards & reduced to pulp
and burning. you pulse

and click and misfire
in the distance. offering
speed and seduction, eyestrain
& headaches, the empires
are sold and bought without melody.

here, i am running
my hand over my own skin.
this is not make believe.
i've always had a heart, a brain,
belief, belonging. never to you,
never to you. i whisper,
scream, cajole, prophesize.
no matter.

you! your prison is the worst!
it's invisible
only to

12.6.11 (thanks gen!!!!!!)

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