Thursday, September 6, 2012

i hear you

i hear you

she loves to share 
words but hates that refrain
tossed on the counter like loose change
from a pocket of inattentive speech

what this silly language
can manhandle who could
handle a womyn we trans
fer the manipulative
and become

haunting come
back not coercive but
confused, a book
of cursive letters reshuffled
hands fidget beads counted
something roars

like sugar & that
which no one holds
accountable no one
holds hands but such
things change terms

like partners or lovers
the one who risks the rewind
reminds the listener self
checks the interview clothes for wrinkles
combs hair with fingers
washes the rag from the blood

someone cries and pulls
at magnetic fate
someone brings someone else
all the way back
to original


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