Friday, April 13, 2012

a snake poem

a snake poem

all the written words tremble like loose letters on a page
made of peat moss, in loose soil. we are all disappearing
and the ink u n writes with a body of its own yet
not a mind. all the zooming trapped animals in their prints
and tracks, we are taking names and counterfeit numbers, we are hollering
in the streets. once, they started to scrape the sky. we all
fell in awe at the long shadows of what we had done. it was
a playing field, a game like baseball, a gum franchise, we built it,
we come back.  tripping over each other with triggering
fists grabby looks filthy stares dangling near necks, wrapping. this gut
spilled itself on that computer, ruined a hard bargain, a soft drive.

in small bites the experiment chews and      chews. the money
like gum sticks pick up sticks popsicles it          slithers


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