Friday, December 2, 2011

a duet of owls

the dreams were really clear & strong last night... 

i boarded this small plane with other folks to fly to izzi's birthday. (which is- in waking life- tomorrow). there were other friends who got on a second small plane. we take off & start flying through trees and zipping around, pretty low to the ground, alongside rivers.  it's daytime.  the wings are different, i think they're moving slightly. they have some strange coating on them. oh actually, i think i'm looking at wings covered in feathers. then i realize that WE ARE IN A GIANT OWL. i can see what it looks like from the outside because the “plane” we're following is also an owl. 

we are flying and diving and darting one after the other, it's like a playful game. what started off a little strange for a plane ride became super fun & exhilarating. when we reached our destination, i went to the front to meet the womyn pilot.  she didn't have a front window, like airplanes do. instead, there was a built-in small colorful stage. she told me that people who fly on/in the owls are encouraged to create performances while flying, then present them to the other passengers. i'll remember this for next time, i thought.

trying to find an appropriate image for this dream, i began looking up owl photos.  the many types of owls look distinctly different from one another.  i settled on the short-eared owl, since it looked most like my dream & also flies during the day.  photos of dueling short-eared owls

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