Saturday, July 23, 2016

heartbroken people with extreme personality flaws

by mira gonzalez from i will never be beautiful enough to make us beautiful together

i want to feel orgasms in the tip of my nose and the back of my ear
in the cartilage between the vertebrae that make up my spinal column
would you stare at my face for two hours without blinking
standing on the splintery wooden porch of the house where i was born
we are craving a certain unachievable density in emotions
subtle gestures that suggest something complex and vague
i will kiss you everywhere and recklessly
under an avocado tree in the hole i dug in my dad’s backyard when i
was seven
here are some things that i would like to touch
clavicle bones, backs of knees, adam’s apples, the spaces between
together we will have this extremely beautiful sensation
of being twice as frail as we once were
and it will feel like the first time you ever had a cold
the last time you tasted grape flavored cough syrup
a light pink fever

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