Sunday, March 20, 2016


in fact this vein
it shows and scourges it is never
too cold           for blue becomes

it shows! and scrubs the skin clear eyed
freckles and filth this skipped silt
wrapped taut and without warning
blew sky skimmed simply it burst
open it showed every inch and scratch i cried i swear i could do no harm

what i wanted was the sound of “opening”
but every however slammed the opposite
like this stretch of touch slapped out loud
out of place here as if white
ruffles and
black lace were a thing that crawled              
from dirty bugs

however budging however cut with muscles
the shape of a back i swear i swear
who looked with cutting eyes out of this place out

we spill

every time the door is knocked someone gets up

it makes no difference

why the body sways left to right left
to right
to right
this front
or around this wind spinning

the body makes hoops
the body curls itself like a catch
the skin a hasp, then a lock
the flesh forwards all and every
the motion       the blood

which is it. the lines the lake the store
or slivered sea.

i can't do this anymore
is what someone thinks
was said.

june 2015

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