Saturday, October 13, 2012

settler colonialism

quotes from settler colonialism & the elimination of the native by patrick wolfe

"territoriality is settler colonialism's specific irreducible element."

"the american right to buy always superseded the indian right not to sell."

"the international slave trade and the highest echelons of the formal state apparatus converged across three continents with the disorderly pillaging of a nomadic horde who may or may not have been 'lawless' but who were categorically white."

"in contrast to extractive industries, which rely on what just happens to be there, agriculture is a rational means/end calculus that is geared to vouchsafing its own production, generating capital that projects into a future where it repeats itself."

"in addition to its objective economic centrality to the project, agriculture, with its life-sustaining connectedness to land, is a potent symbol of settler-colonial identity."

"settler colonialism is relatively impervious to regime change."

". . .the logic of elimination, which, in its specificity to settler colonialism, is premised on the securing - the obtaining and the maintaining- of territory.  this logic certainly requires the elimination of the owners of that territory, but not in any particular way.  to this extent, it is a larger category than genocide."

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